Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Mock Interview

I thought that my mock interview went very well. I'm very comfortable talking about myself and I've had a lot of practice with interviewing with all of the part time jobs that i've had. Granted none of those jobs were anything very serious that will determine my career but the actual interview process isn't that much difference and has provided with me with some great interview experience. I've also been on the other side of the table as well. I'm on the board of CLEMSONLiVE and we do member applications and interviews every semester and I get to be the actual interviewer and it helps to know as an interviewer what you're looking for as well and gives you a little more help when you're the interviewee. I really wasn't very nervous about what I had to say, I was more nervous about how I say it. I'm not the best speaker in the world and I do worry about how I am perceived when I try to put forth an idea or thought. However, other than taking a public speaking class (which i will take next semester) there isn't much I can do other than relax and take my time and my interviews usually work out pretty well.

The only question that threw me was if i had any questions for angela because normally I might have some but since (in real life) i knew she couldn't answer them, i hadn't thought of any before. One question that didnt actually throw me but I always find it a little difficult to answer is the question "what are some of your weaknesses?" i feel you have to have answer for that question because everyone has them. however, you have to answer in a way that your weakness is not a major problem and potentially something that won't matter in the long run. you basically have to find a weakness that makes you look good and that's not easy. I was very pleased with how my interview went and I wouldn't change anything about it. One thing I learned is how impressive it is to know some specific details about the company you're applying to and that is something I will definitely do in the future.

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