Sunday, October 5, 2008

3 topics i liked.

I particularly enjoyed the hummus presentation. It was very unique and even though i don't like hummus, it was pretty informative. i might just have to keep that info around if someone ever asks me for a hummus recipe.

I also enjoyed the presentation on dark chocolate. i love dark chocolate a lot so that definitely struck my interest when i saw the topic. I always knew it was good for you but i didn't know any specifics so it makes me feel a little better when i'm eating way too much. it kinda made me want to leave class and go buy some.

I thought the presentation on Rick Reuben was pretty good as well. The topic was definitely unique and i thought it was cool that the light was shined on someone who does so much but rarely sees the spotlight. I definitely didn't know all of those fun facts about him. I also learned that he is very influential in the world of music and is responsible for many of the hits we all love.

1 comment:

Grant said...

Hey Garrett, just letting you know I enjoyed your presentation and wrote about it on the ol' blog.